Second Abu Dhabi Adventure Challenge promises even more
posted Tuesday, June 17, 2008 by Yak @ 1:27 PM -

For the sake of consistency, the disciplines and overall distance covered will be similar to last year. The teams will still cover around 400km over six days and the dominant disciplines remain the adventure racing staples of mountain biking, sea kayaking, adventure running and rope-works. But that is where the resemblance to last year's course begins to fade. Course designers and country hosts have been working in close liaison, combining the extensive experience acquired last year and some remarkable scenic treasures, to create a challenging course brimming with natural wonders and exciting encounters.
This year's race gets off the mark on December 12th with a fast and furious, "prologue" around Abu Dhabi city. Kayaking, biking and running will constitute an ideal urban showcase for the pleasure of an enthusiastic local media and population. A 170km transfer, directly west along the coast from Abu Dhabi city, brings the teams to the legendary island of Sir Bani Yas, where a bold experiment involving thousands of animals in semi-captivity and countless plants, shrubs and trees has been underway since the eighties. This pearl shaped paradise, with ancient human vestiges dating back 7,000 years, is crowned by a central salt plug that rises to 148m; a surreal centrepiece for 70km of MTB amidst a flora and fauna of Eden-like proportions.
Getting off the island will be a job for the kayaks, with a sleek, 150km paddle along the coast to Mirfa, interrupted only by a bivouac on one of the many attractive islands comprising this picturesque atoll. After 2 days in Poseidon's realm, the contrast couldn't be greater with a 2-day desert trek across the appropriately named "Empty Quarter". The full moon will provide the only ambient light for a night in the dunes with a "sleep where you stop" compulsory bivouac. The spectacular Jebel Hafeet Mountains and the garden city of Al Ain provide the backdrop to the final movement of this epic adventure. The soaring, jagged peaks and unexplored canyons will host the penultimate stage involving trekking, rope-works and mountain biking before a blistering biking dash to the finishing line in Al Ain.
With local media attention already on the increase and the prospect of High Definition images available for global network distribution, last year’s enthusiastic buzz will hit fever pitch as this race is sure to establish itself as a “must do” season finale in the international adventure racing calendar.